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News > Iran

Lebanon Receives Solidarity Fuel Shipment from Iran

  • Lebanon's Hezbollah breaks US blockade with much needed fuel donations from Iran via Syria. Crowds cheered as the convoy of trucks carrying over a million gallons of fuel arrived into Baalbek on Thursday.

    Lebanon's Hezbollah breaks US blockade with much needed fuel donations from Iran via Syria. Crowds cheered as the convoy of trucks carrying over a million gallons of fuel arrived into Baalbek on Thursday. | Photo: Twitter/@MintPressNews

Published 17 September 2021

It is the first fuel shipment organized by the Lebanese resistance organization Hizbollah in agreement with Iran.

A first caravan of fuel tankers sent by Iran arrived Thursday in Lebanon via Syria, an operation organized by the Hezbollah resistance movement, amid the economic crisis aggravated by the devastating Beirut port explosion a year ago.

They are a total of 104 tankers carrying one million liters of diesel, which arrived in caravans of 20 trucks each and in compliance with security measures.


Lebanon Receives Tanker Trucks Carrying Iranian Oil

Despite the cancellation of the popular celebrations, there were several spontaneous rallies by the inhabitants of the region, welcoming the caravans that will help save lives in hospitals whose services were suspended due to lack of resources.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hosein Amirabdolahian on Thursday expressed Tehran's willingness to improve relations with the new Lebanese government, formed last week and headed by Nayib Mikati, nearly a year after the resignation of Hassan Diab.

Amirabdolahian, who on Wednesday met with Hizbullah's representative in Iran, Abdullah Safiodin, congratulated Beirut on the formation of this Executive and expressed his hope that the problems facing the country will be solved as soon as possible.

The Secretary General of Hizbullah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, informed that a second caravan is currently heading towards the town of Baalbek, after Hizbullah confirmed on Monday that Iranian deliveries would begin this week, despite criticism from other Lebanese parties.

For his part, Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Miqati thanked the Iranian government for Lebanon's support and its support in these difficult circumstances, especially through the implementation of the Iranian oil import contract, to participate in resolving the electricity crisis.

He also stressed that the new Iranian government formed after the presidential election victory of Ebrahim Raisi supports what he called the resistance front, comprising Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, on behalf of Lebanon.

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