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Lebanon: Israel Violates UN Resolution For Wall Construction

  • The United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon hosted a tripartite meeting with Israeli and Lebanese forces on Friday.

    The United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon hosted a tripartite meeting with Israeli and Lebanese forces on Friday. | Photo: Twitter: @UNIFIL_

Published 12 January 2019

Lebanon is filing a complaint at the UN Security Council for Israeli violations of the 1701 UN resolution signed in 2006.

The Lebanese Foreign Affairs Ministry is filing a complaint at the United Nations Security Council about the Israeli wall and military actitivies in the restricted Blue Line area, which violate UN Security Council Resolution 1701.

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Members of the Israeli forces "pursued the construction of a cement wall" at the border in what has been denominated the Blue Line, reports the Lebanese National News Agency (NNA).

On Friday, the United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) hosted a tripartite meeting lead by UNIFIL's Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Stefano Del Col, with the  Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), to discuss violations due to works near the Blue Line.

“Any activity close to the Blue Line should be predictable, with sufficient prior notification to allow UNIFIL to duly inform the other party and so that coordinated security arrangements could be put in place to prevent incidents or violations,” said Major General Del Col.

Del Col also called upon both parties to use the liaison of the UNIFIL: "I again call on the parties to make full use of UNIFIL’s liaison and coordination arrangements."

The UNIFIL commander noted there are also some success, and called both parties to continue with their commitment to the 1701 resolution. “Going forward, there is a need to build on these achievements and work towards more sustainable solutions to long-standing problems along the Blue Line,” Del Col said.

According to NNA, MP Kassem Hashem visited the area to inspect the breaches, saying: “Lebanon will face this Israeli breach, whether at the political level or otherwise. The United Nations is responsible for this Israeli aggression.” He then called for "an end to the breaches of the enemy, which is always thirsty for our land and waters."

The Lebanese complaint will also refer to Israeli military activities in southern Lebanon. In December, the IDF sent a military campaign which Israeli officials said aimed to destroy Hezbollah Tunnels.

The IDF announced 'Operation Northern Shield' on December 4, after demolition efforts had already begun. Their aim, it said on Twitter, was “to expose and neutralize cross-border attack tunnels dug by Hezbollah from Lebanon to Israel.”

Israel and Hezbollah have avoided major conflicts at the Lebanese-Israeli border since their last war in 2006. At that time, Hezbollah inflicted a historic second defeat on the Israeli forces when Tel Aviv launched a campaign against southern Lebanon in an attempt to claim more territory. Fighting lasted 33 days and claimed the lives of more than 1,000 Lebanese civilians. About 1,000,000 people were displaced.

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