"We are making our best effort to continue guaranteeing the custody of the vote..."
On July 14, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal of Guatemala had planned to announce the results at 12:00 local time but instead released a statement, appealing to the confidence of the electorate.
"We are making our best effort to continue guaranteeing the custody of the vote. Continue trusting in the electoral authority", adds the TSE, quoting its presiding magistrate, Irma Palencia.
According to institutional sources, the court is still discussing challenges presented by political parties' prosecutors who disagree with the preliminary results of the elections.
“El proceso electoral tiene un marco de protección y se respalda en una ley de rango Constitucional. Resguardamos el sagrado voto ciudadano”, Magistrada Presidente del TSE, Irma Elizabeth Palencia Orellana.
— TSE Guatemala (@TSEGuatemala) July 13, 2023
¡Proceso electoral confiable y transparente! #EleccionesGT2023 pic.twitter.com/3KsOgjIrAp
The officialization of the results was pending after last July 1st the Constitutional Court, the highest court of the Central American country, ordered a new revision of the electoral records.
However, the decision of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) comes minutes after the Guatemalan Attorney General's Office announced the legal suspension of Semilla (Seed), Arevalo's party based on a criminal case.
According to official statements, the TSE was unaware of the matter and, as scheduled in the electoral calendar, ordered the presidential run-off election for next August 20.
La Fiscalía Especial contra la Impunidad informa: pic.twitter.com/uEXU3UkZOK
— MP de Guatemala (@MPguatemala) July 12, 2023
The candidate Bernardo Arévalo de León (center-left), of the now illegalized party, expressed himself in his social networks defending his party and political position.
Sandra Torres, candidate of the National Unity of Hope (UNE, conservative), is already launching campaign messages on her social networks, despite the fact that the electoral law prevents her from doing so before the official announcement of the results.
Esto no es por nosotros o por Semilla, es por todo el país. Los poderosos ya no quieren que el pueblo decida libremente su futuro, pero los vamos a vencer.
— Bernardo Arévalo de León �� (@BArevalodeLeon) July 13, 2023
La semilla del cambio y la esperanza no será pisoteada. ��#GuatemalaEsSemilla
Last Monday (July 10), the Supreme Court stated that the Electoral Boards complied with what was ordered by the Constitutional Court (CC) in the scrutiny review hearings.
Before hearing the ruling, the TSE had assured that the established legal procedure would be followed so that the electoral results could be made official and the next stage of the electoral process could begin.