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News > Guatemala

Guatemala: CSJ Clears Way to Officialize Election Results

  • Guatemala's TSE must now officialize the results of the June 25 elections. Jul. 10, 2023.

    Guatemala's TSE must now officialize the results of the June 25 elections. Jul. 10, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@NoticiasRNN

Published 10 July 2023

The TSE will be able to officialize the results and continue with the corresponding electoral process.

The Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) of Guatemala gave the green light on Monday to the official publication of the results of the June 25 elections.


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The CSJ resolved to "declare inadmissible the appeals for protection" filed by political parties alleging irregularities in the vote count, the court informed in a press conference.

According to the spokesman of the CSJ, Rudy Esquivel, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) "has complied with the scrutiny review hearings" ordered by the Constitutional Court (CC). 

In this way, the CSJ also resolved to withdraw the validity of the injunction issued on July 1 by the CC, Guatemala's highest court, which left the electoral results in suspense.

The Supreme Court of Justice said that the TSE Guatemala complied with the Constitutional Court's order to review tally sheets with alleged irregularities and rejects the parties' request for a recount. Everything is still in the hands of the TSE. Rudy Esquivel, spokesman for Supreme Court of Justice.

Guatemala's TSE must now officialize the results, award public offices, and organize the second round for the presidency scheduled for August 20. 

In the first round, Sandra Torres, of the National Unity of Hope (UNE), and Bernardo Arévalo, of the Seed Movement, were the most voted candidates, so they will move on to the second round.

From July 4 to 6, the electoral authorities carried out a review of the electoral records throughout the country at the request of the Constitutional Tribunal. During the process, there were no significant changes that could affect the results obtained on election day. 

According to the president of the electoral tribunal, Irma Palencia, the results will be validated during this week. 


Rudy Esquivel
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