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News > Guatemala

Guatemalans Call 'The Flowers March' to Defend Democracy

  • Palin Mayor Alida Vicente (L) at a press conference, Guatemala City, July 23, 2023.

    Palin Mayor Alida Vicente (L) at a press conference, Guatemala City, July 23, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/ @andread_gtv

Published 23 July 2023

"Criminal structures do not want to relinquish power," Palin Mayor Alida Vicente denounced.

On Sunday, the Highlands Farmers Committee (CCDA), the Palin Indigenous Mayor's Office, and students from the University of San Carlos (USAC) called for a "march of flowers" to defend democracy in Guatemala.


Guatemalan Prosecutor's Office Raids Seed Party's Headquarters

This happens at a time when the Prosecutor's Office is carrying out persecutory actions against the Seed Movement party (Semilla), which might jeopardize the holding of the presidential run-off scheduled for August 20.

"Criminal structures do not want to relinquish power," Palin Mayor Alida Vicente said, explaining that the "Flowers March" seeks to oppose the "dark political landscape" that Guatemalan elites are trying to consolidate.

"In our country, we need to see a new dawn and a blossoming. We need to rebuild a new nation," she said.

The tweet reads, "The feelings of the Guatemalans who participate in this march, which now enters 6th avenue Guatemala City's Zone One, where more people are joining it. The march covers several blocks."

"Small mobilizations are no longer enough. We need a massive mobilization without partisan objectives and with clear objectives in defense of the common good."

Since 9:00 am on Sunday, the progressive social and political organizations are marching from the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) to the Constitutional Court (CC). Later they will go to the Presidential House and finally to the headquarters of the Prosecutor's Office.

In the first round of the presidential elections held on June 25, Bernardo Arevalo, a Social Democratic politician sponsored by the Seed Movement, came in second place, after Sandra Torres, who participated with the support of the National Unity of Hope.


Alida Vicente
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