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News > Iran

Germany's Angela Merkel Says Europe to Honor Iran Nuclear Deal

  • German Chancellor Angela Merkel said European countries will honor Iran deal.

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel said European countries will honor Iran deal. | Photo: Reuters

Published 11 September 2019

“Step by step, we will keep trying to find solutions with Iran that prevent an escalation of tensions in a globally sensitive region. That’s our job,” Chancellor Merkel said.

Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Europe has chosen to honor the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran which was abandoned by the United States unilaterally last year. 


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The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was signed between Iran and six other countries. While Germany, France, the United Kingdom, China, and Russia kept the deal, Washington pulled out of it in 2018 saying that Iran has breached it by increasing its nuclear capabilities which the country has denied. 

Since pulling out from the deal, the U.S. has been imposing stricter sanctions on Iran and its trading partners. Iran previously asked the U.S. to lift up sanctions otherwise they would increase the production of enriched uranium

However, the European signatories of the deal said they would honor it. 

“Step by step, we will keep trying to find solutions with Iran that prevent an escalation of tensions in a globally sensitive region. That’s our job,” Chancellor Merkel said Wednesday.

European companies have been leaving the Iranian market for the fear of U.S. sanctions or losing transactions with the U.S.

Iran said that European countries should make a real effort to offset the adverse effect of the U.S. sanctions on Iran.

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