The fiftieth Extraordinary Conference of the Federation of Arab Entities in Latin American Countries (FEARAB) closed its 3 days sessions today in Damasco, the capital of Syria.
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In its final declaration FEARAB condemned the economic blockade imposed on Syria, Cuba, Venezuela and other nations.
We demand the immediate lifting of this blockade that makes people suffer and we urge the United Nations (UN) to achieve this goal, said the statement read at the closing session of the event held in the main hall of the University of Damascus with the participation of 70 delegates from eight Latin American countries including Cuba.
The declaration expressed its maximum condemnation to all the attacks committed against the sovereignty of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya and Palestine, and called for respect for the right to self-determination of peoples.
The statement also ratified support for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital and the right of return for all Palestinians in the diaspora.
Those present urged respect for international laws and human rights, and called to abandon policies of use of violence, blockades, and theft of natural resources.
Heads and member of expatriate institutions and associations, representatives of expatriate clubs and Arab cultural centers in Latin American countries participated in the conference.
The three-day conference discussed means to enhance the role of the Syrian expatriates to defend their homeland and its issues in service of its goals and humanitarian civilization.
The Syrian assistant minister of foreign affairs, Ayman Soussan, delivered a few words in which he said that this conference laid the foundation for a new beginning that improves the action of FEARAB so that it can fulfill its responsibilities and remains a voice that defends the causes of the Arab nation.
Soussan expressed his hope that this conference will be a new beginning to strengthen the action of FEARAB so that their voice is more heard in the countries where they reside and create an opinion community that supports just causes.
For his part, George Al-Alam, president of FEARAB-America said that “for half a decade, FEARAB has been a voice to defend just and noble causes.