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Family Code Goes Into Effect in Cuba

  • Turnout in the referendum reached 74.01 percent (6 251 786 voters out of a base turnout of 8 447 467). Sep. 27, 2022.

    Turnout in the referendum reached 74.01 percent (6 251 786 voters out of a base turnout of 8 447 467). Sep. 27, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@DianaZurda

Published 27 September 2022

The new Family Code which was published today in the Official Gazette, came to effect after its approval by the Cuban population in last Sunday's referendum.    

The law was signed the day before by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez and the head of the National Assembly of People's Power, Esteban Lazo Hernández.


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The Minister of Justice, Oscar Silvera Martínez, said conditions were created in notary offices, civil registries, marriage palaces and collective offices as part of the process of implementation of the legal norm.

A training process has been carried out throughout the country so that the Code's regulations are correctly applied and complied with, according to the minister.

The Family Code approved in 1975 is now replaced by this new one that gives continuity to the rights contained in the Constitution endorsed by the Cuban people in 2019 by referendum, as well as to the international treaties to which Havana is a party.

The Ordinary Official Gazette number 99 published today the new Family Code, which enters into force in Cuba as of this Tuesday, after being ratified on Sunday in a popular referendum.

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Turnout in the referendum reached 74.01 percent (6 251 786 voters out of a base turnout of 8 447 467), according to recent data from Cuba's National Electoral Council.

Of the 5 892 705 valid votes, 3 936 790 corresponded to the Yes (66.87 percent), while 1 950 090 voted for the No option.

Equal marriage and surrogacy, adoption by homosexual couples and the prohibition of child marriage are some of the provisions of the new Code. It also addresses gender violence and recognizes rights in favor of children, the elderly and the disabled.

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