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Epidemiological Situation in Palestine Is Getting Worse

  • Palestinians in a health center, Aug. 2021.

    Palestinians in a health center, Aug. 2021. | Photo: Twitter/ @AffairsEast

Published 19 August 2021

There is a significant increase in the number of patients who need hospitalization.

On Wednesday, the chief of hospitals in the Palestinian Health Ministry Naji Nazzal warned that the epidemiological situation of coronavirus in the Palestinian territories "is getting worse."


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"There is a significant increase in the number of patients who need hospitalization," he said, adding that “the situation has worsened after discovering the Delta variant in the Palestinian territories."

Amid the increasing number of coronavirus cases, the health ministry made necessary preparations and opened its medical centers in the West Bank and Gaza to receive the cases that need hospitalization.

Nazzal called on the Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to take the vaccine, adding that "it protects the patients from the risky symptoms and reduces the numbers of patients who would need intensive care."

Currently, 70 percent of the COVID-19 cases in the Palestinian territories are infected with delta variant. On Wednesday, the Palestinian Health Ministry recorded two fatalities and 753 new COVID-19 cases in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. It added that 667,894 people were vaccinated in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip so far, including 432,731 who received a second dose.

In Gaza, officials in health ministry run by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said that only 10 percent of the Gaza Strip populations had received the vaccine.

"About 1.5 million people in the Gaza Strip, home of more than 2 million people, must be vaccinated to protect themselves from the new virus," director of infection control in Gaza's health ministry Rami al-Abadla said.

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