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News > Latin America

Ecuador's VP Jorge Glas To Present Defense By Sunday

  • Ecuador's Vice President, and Correa loyalist, Jorge Glas.

    Ecuador's Vice President, and Correa loyalist, Jorge Glas. | Photo: Reuters

Published 2 January 2018

"It is important that the assembly members and the Ecuadorean people listen to what I have to say,” Glas said in a letter.

Detained Ecuadorian vice president, Jorge Glas, has been notified that he will be able to present evidence against the charges against him, as he faces impeachment on grounds of alleged illicit association.

Ecuador’s Glas Requests Opportunity To ‘Defend Himself’ Before Plenary Of National Assembly

After the 150-page impeachment report was read to legislators on Tuesday afternoon, the 63 legislators who signed the proceedings to remove Glas from his post were notified that they would present their proof of charge on Friday.

A few days ago, the vice-president had requested the right to defend himself against the charges in front of a Plenary of the National Assembly.

In a letter addressed to Jose Serrano, President of the Legislative, Glas denounced the unconstitutionality of the procedure that the Legislative Administrative Council, CAL, has initiated against him, which he said violates Article 129 of the Ecuadorean Constitution.

"I transmit my will to submit myself to the political trial to be able to appear before the Plenary of the National Assembly and be heard personally, since it is important that the assembly members and the Ecuadorean people listen to what I have to say,” Glas pressed in the letter.

Former President Rafael Correa, who has said that the persecution of Glas is unjust and politically motivated, published the letter on his Twitter account.

“A trial full of so many irregularities will have to go to the international bodies, but they already have their objective: to seize the vice presidency,” Correa said in December.

Glas was elected vice-president in the second electoral round last April, alongside Ecuadorean President Lenin Moreno, as leader of the left-wing Alianza Pais party. He is the highest-ranking official convicted in the Odebrecht corruption case that has swept numerous countries.

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