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News > Ecuador

Ecuador’s National Strike Will Last Until Gov. Responds-CONAIE

  • CONAIE and more than 53 social organizations organized a national strike in Ecuador to demand answers from the government to the demands made a year ago. Jun. 13, 2022.

    CONAIE and more than 53 social organizations organized a national strike in Ecuador to demand answers from the government to the demands made a year ago. Jun. 13, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@contextohn

Published 13 June 2022

The president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, is being asked to respond to popular demands presented at dialogue tables a year ago.

Protests have been underway in Ecuador since the early hours of Monday morning. "The mobilization is national, territorial and indefinite. If today the president of the Republic gives answers, we will lift the strike. If not, we will continue indefinitely," Leonidas Iza, president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), warned.

Ecuadorian Indigenous Organizations Start Strike Against Lasso 

The president of CONAIE said that the government must respond to the ten demands raised by the social organizations and show a willingness to be with the people and not with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). 

In the provinces of Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Pastaza, Napo and Tungurahua, road blockades have been increasing throughout the day. The Integrated Security Service, at 08H37 local time, reported that 17 highways were already closed in 15 of the 24 provinces of the country, with several accesses to the capital, Quito, still blocked.

The strike is organized by CONAIE and more than 53 social organizations. The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Amazon (CONFENAIE), the National Confederation of Peasant, Indigenous and Black Organizations (FENOCIN), the Council of Indigenous Evangelical Peoples and Organizations of Ecuador (FEINE) and the National Union of Educators (UNE) support the strike. 

Several sectors of the people have come out to protest against the high cost of living and the anti-popular measures of the government; the situation of the masses is getting stronger, and the crisis of imperialist capitalism has a strong impact on our country.  

Freezing fuel prices takes center stage among the demands made by the organizations. Other demands include fair prices for agricultural products, policies and public investment to curb labor precariousness and stop the privatization of the nation's strategic sectors, considered the birthright of Ecuadorians.

Policies to control prices and speculation in essential commodities are also requested. As for education, the organizations call for improving the network of educational centers and guaranteeing young people's access to higher education.

In the health sector, there is a call for the government to resolve the shortage of medicines and the lack of personnel in hospitals. Equally important is the demand for effective public policies to halt the wave of violence and insecurity hitting Ecuador due to growing organized crime.

Social organizations are calling for economic relief for over 4 million families through a moratorium of at least one year on the payment of debts and interest, as well as preventing the expropriation of assets such as houses, land, or cars for non-payment.

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