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News > Ecuador

Ecuador: New Prison Riot Leaves 68 Slaughtered Prisoners

  • Relatives of prisoners wait for information about their loved ones, Guayaquil, Ecuador, Nov. 13, 2021.

    Relatives of prisoners wait for information about their loved ones, Guayaquil, Ecuador, Nov. 13, 2021. | Photo: EFE

Published 13 November 2021

The revolt took over the Guayas 1 prison, where 119 inmates had previously suffered a cruel death in September.

In Ecuador, At least 68 inmates died Saturday in a new bloodbath at a prison in Guayaquil.


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The revolt took over the Guayas 1 prison, where 119 inmates had previously suffered a cruel death with beheadings and burnings in September.

Guayas governor Pablo Arosemena indicated that the new clashes broke out on Friday night when one of the groups invaded a cellblock to kill members of the opposing group. 

The inmates fought with weapons and explosives for several hours, despite the existence of a state of emergency decreed by President Guillermo Lasso last month. 

In February alone, 79 inmates died in simultaneous riots in four prisons.

Following the September incidents, other inmates have been killed, pushing the total number of inmates who have died in prison riots to over 300 dead people so far this year.

On Saturday, inmates' relatives crowded outside the prison to demand protection while carrying banners reading "they are human beings, help them."

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