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News > Cuba

Cuba Speeds up COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Drive

  • A child receives a dose of COVID-19 vaccine at a school in Havana, Cuba, Sept. 16, 2021.

    A child receives a dose of COVID-19 vaccine at a school in Havana, Cuba, Sept. 16, 2021. | Photo: Joaquin Hernandez/Xinhua

Published 22 December 2021

More than 99 percent of Cuban nationals have received at least one dose of homegrown vaccines and over 84 percent of Cubans have been fully jabbed against COVID-19.

The Cuban government has speeded up the pace of the national COVID-19 vaccine booster rollout in the face of the virus' Omicron variant, local media reported Wednesday.


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In the coming weeks, "the Cuban biopharmaceutical industry plans to deliver six million doses of Abdala and Soberana COVID-19 vaccines to the Cuban Ministry of Public Health," Eduardo Martinez, president of the state-run biotech company BioCubaFarma was quoted as saying by daily newspaper Granma.

Before the end of January 2022, the country of 11.2 million residents expects to produce all the vaccine booster shots required to be administered to its population.

The Caribbean nation launched its mass vaccination campaign against COVID-19 in May in Havana.

According to the health ministry, so far, more than 99 percent of Cuban nationals have received at least one dose of homegrown vaccines and over 84 percent of Cubans have been fully jabbed against COVID-19.

Cuba registered 80 new cases of coronavirus and one more related death in the past 24 hours, bringing the national counts to 964,317 and 8,317, respectively.

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