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News > Venezuela

Cuba: National Ballet Participates in Venezuelan Dance Festival

  • The National Ballet of Cuba (BNC) will participate in the

    The National Ballet of Cuba (BNC) will participate in the "Solidarity Dance" Encounter of Bolivarian and Caribbean Countries, an event that unites 15 Latin American companies through the art of movement. | Photo: Twitter/@Cgdccentro

Published 11 October 2021

The National Ballet of Cuba (BNC) will participate in the "Danza Solidaria" Encounter of Bolivarian and Caribbean Countries, an event that unites 15 Latin American companies through the art of movement.

Based in Venezuela, the initiative, organized by the Zuliana Association for the Art of Dance, pays tribute to the Bicentennial of the Battle of Carabobo and is based on the concept of regional integration, cooperation and fraternity among the peoples.

The artistic event is directed by dancer, choreographer and contemporary dance teacher Marisol Ferraria and is supported by the Bolivarian Mayor's Office of Maracaibo, as well as the Ministry of People's Power for Culture.


Cuban Ballet: the Best in the World

On the island, the BNC confirmed the tribute to the figure of Alicia Alonso, prima ballerina assoluta and founder of the Cuban school of ballet, with the creations "ParAlicia," "Valsette" and "Tarde en la siesta," while the historian of the prestigious company, Miguel Cabrera, will give the lecture "Saludo a danza solidaria."

Until October 17, the event welcomes the talents of prominent Latin American dance troupes such as the Ballet of the Americas and Immigrants (Venezuela), the National Contemporary Dance Company (Argentina), Barrorojo Arte Escénico (Mexico) and the National Ballet (Paraguay).

"The National Ballet of Cuba participates in the Danza Solidaria Encounter of Bolivarian and Caribbean Countries, which unites 15 Latin American companies through the art of movement."

Other renowned specialists and trainers will offer master classes during the event, including Cuban teacher Ramona de Saá, Argentinean teacher Victoria Viberti and Ecuadorian Susana Reyes.

The event is available on the digital platforms and YouTube channel of the Zuliana Association for the Art of Dance in Venezuela.

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