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Cuba: International Community Should Stop US Attacks

  • Cuba: International Community Should Stop US Attacks
Published 29 July 2019

Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez denounced as a genocidal plan the fact that the United States is increasing its siege and attacks on the Cuban economy.

Cuba's Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez, called on Monday to the international community to prevent the United States Government from continuing to exacerbate coercive actions against the integrity of the island and its people.

"Cuba calls on the international community to prevent U.S. actions against the integrity of our people and to stop the hostility, folly and irresponsibility of the current U.S. administration," the chancellor posted on his Twitter people account.

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Rodríguez denounced as a genocidal plan the fact that the United States is increasing its siege and attacks on the Cuban economy this time by preventing the arrival of fuel to Cuba.

"The U.S. increases economic piracy actions against Cuba. They carry out an illegal activity of surveillance and persecution of ships and threaten shipping companies, insurance companies and governments to prevent the arrival of fuel into the country. It is a genocidal plan," he said. chancellor.

The administration of U.S. president, Donald Trump, has been increasing this year his offensive against Cuba.

Among the coercive actions applied by Washington to both Cuba and Venezuela is the economic and commercial blockade with the aim of affecting fundamental areas of assistance to peoples, such as health and food, as well as attacks on the integrity of nations.

Last month, the US Department of the Treasury and Commerce tightened the policy towards Cuba with the restriction of cultural trips to the island, known as People to People, as well as visits by ships and private planes, something that is a blow for the battered Cuban economy.

The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, accused the U.S. government last Friday of trying to prevent the arrival of fuel to the island to cause discontent and a social outbreak that leads the local government to an unacceptable negotiation. 

"Today I denounce to the people of Cuba and the world that the United States administration has begun to act more aggressively to prevent the arrival of fuel to Cuba," Díaz-Canel said in commemorating National Rebellion Day in the Homeland Square.

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