Cuban health authorities reported that they put an end on Thursday night to violate the health protocols for international travelers, imposed due to COVID-19, which was taking place in a house in Old Havana in the capital city.
The authorities of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health (Minsap) described as an "irresponsible act" the action of an international traveler who unilaterally left the place where he was supposed to stay and quarantine and instead chose to stay in the house mentioned above.
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For this reason, health authorities proceeded to remove those involved from the premises where they were staying after filing a complaint about the crime of knowingly spreading the epidemic.
The action has gained notoriety because the house where the intervention took place was the scene of a counter-revolutionary action several days ago, in which a group of people declared themselves to be on a supposed hunger strike at the same time as they received a Cuban citizen who had just arrived from the United States.
This group, calling itself the "San Isidro Movement," is demanding the release of a person held in prison for contempt of the authorities two weeks ago, the so-called rapper Denis Solis.
The group is also demanding the repeal of an economic measure taken by the Cuban government to alleviate the blockade's effects, namely the closure of stores in freely convertible currency (MLC).
For this action, they have received support from the U.S. Embassy in Havana, known for its interventionism in the country's internal affairs, and anti-Cuba officials from the State Department and the U.S. Congress.
The Cuban authorities made it known that the alleged strikers had been keeping food supplies during the period of the action described, which was even purchased in MLC stores with money from the United States.
The video of their extraction and transfer to a health care institution is circulating on social networks. These images show the correct actions of the Cuban health care personnel and the group members' excellent health and energy.
The Cuban Rap Agency rejected the notion the imprisoned person could be considered "representative of hip-hop, much less when it is known that the interests he defends are part of the subversive plan orchestrated against the Cuban Revolution."
According to the newspaper Granma, the events in Old Havana are a "media boom orchestrated by the articulate network of media at the service of the interests of the United States [...] who commit degrading actions and even manipulate minors for their rude and provocative performances."