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News > Chile

Chile Sets up Over 2,000 Voting Centers for Primary Elections

  • People vote in the Presidential primaries, Santiago, Chile, Jul. 18, 2021.

    People vote in the Presidential primaries, Santiago, Chile, Jul. 18, 2021. | Photo: EFE

Published 18 July 2021

Chileans must vote for representatives from the ruling Let's go Chile coalition and the leftist I Approve Dignity pact.

Primary elections in Chile began on Sunday at 6.00 a.m to select presidential candidates for the Nov. 21 elections.


Six Politicians To Compete In Chilean Presidential Primaries

Chileans must vote for representatives from the ruling Let's go Chile (CV) coalition and the leftist I Approve Dignity pact (YA).

Former Ministers Mario Desbordes, Ignacio Briones, Sebastian Sichel and ex-mayor Joaquin Lavin are running for the conservative CV.

Meanwhile, the YA pact is represented by Daniel Jadue from the Communist Party and Gabriel Boric who was selected by the Social Convergence y Wide Front parties.

The meme reads, "Voters from Galway, Cork, Limerick, and other cities join voters in Dublin to exercise the Overseas Vote in Ireland. We advance in these 2021 Presidential Primary Elections, remembering that vote can be exercised until 18:00."

The militants of the political organizations taking part in the primaries will vote according to their parties' list. Independent citizens can vote for a candidate of any of the two lists.

Over 2,000 voting centers were set up for these elections. The Electoral Service (SERVEL) informed that all polling stations were ready in the Magallanes Region, while only 81 percent of voting centers were ready in the Metropolitan region.

Due to the time difference, polling stations began vote-counting in New Zealand, where the Apruebo Dignidad list gained 362 votes, 183 of which were for Boric and 179 for Jadue

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