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News > Venezuela

CELAC Evaluates Creating a Center for Scientific Development

  • Meeting of ministers of the CELAC countries, Caracas, Venezuela, Oct. 3, 2023.

    Meeting of ministers of the CELAC countries, Caracas, Venezuela, Oct. 3, 2023. | Photo: X/ @Gabrielasjr

Published 4 October 2023

CELAC also aspires to develop postgraduate programs in fields such as immunology, human genetics, physiology, biophysics, biochemistry, ecology, and medical physics.

During a meeting held in Caracas on Tuesday, high-ranking officials from the countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) assessed the possibility of establishing a regional center for the development of science, technology, and innovation.


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They explored the creation of the Latin American and Caribbean Center for Science and Technology Development, whose objective will be to promote regional integration through a collaborative and solidarity-focused approach.

This center will enhance the exchange of national and regional efforts through projects involving the joint participation of institutions.

CELAC countries also aspire to develop postgraduate programs in fields such as social studies of science, immunology, human genetics, physiology, biophysics, biochemistry, ecology, and medical physics.

"The dream of Latin American and Caribbean unity is becoming a reality," said Venezuelan Science and Technology Minister Gabriela Jimenez, explaining that regional integration is achievable when researchers' mobility is expanded, shared projects are promoted, and infrastructure is created to generate knowledge and innovation.

"Accompanied by Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Yvan Gil, CELAC delegations share their ideas on the sciences, technologies, and innovations necessary for the region, understanding that it is not enough to focus solely on scientific research but also on addressing the needs and engaging in dialogue with the cultural elements of our peoples," she emphasized.

"The common projects and interests for the CELAC Research Center will materialize in technical agendas linked to food sovereignty, public health, artificial intelligence, climate change, and aerospace capabilities," added Jimenez.

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