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News > United Kingdom

British Postal Workers Are on Strike

  • Workers on strike in Glasgow, U.K., Aug. 31, 2022.

    Workers on strike in Glasgow, U.K., Aug. 31, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/ @FrancisStuart1

Published 31 August 2022

"They have performed miracles during the pandemic, and they know exactly what they deserve," CWU Deputy Secretary Pullinger pointed out.

On Wednesday, workers of the former state-owned postal company Royal Mail began a new strike in rejection of their salary conditions.


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Their action was called on Aug. 26 as part of a campaign to demand a "dignified and appropriate" wage increase from the company. Other protests will be held on Sept. 8 and 9.

Currently, the British workers are not happy with the proposal from Royal Mail, which offered them a raise of just 2 percent despite the fact that they were classified as "essential workers" during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In today's walkout, members of the Communications Workers Union (CWU) staged protests outside post offices across the country. Over 100,000 workers are taking part in the strike, making it the largest action by British workers this summer. Other massive strikes are being carried out by longshoremen, subway employees, and criminal lawyers.

"There can be no doubt that postal workers are completely united in their determination to secure the dignified and appropriate job raise they deserve," CWU Secretary Dave Ward said, adding that "we cannot continue to live in a country where bosses they make billions in profits while their employees are forced to turn to food banks."

Postal workers "will not meekly accept having their living standards shattered by greedy business leaders who are completely out of touch with modern Britain," he added.

CWU Deputy Secretary Terry Pullinger also recalled that workers "have performed miracles during the pandemic, and they know exactly what they deserve."

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