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News > Brazil

Bolsonaro Is Good President Only for 33 Percent of Brazilians

  • President Jair Bolsonaro at the Palacio da Alvorada, Brasilia, Brazil, March 30, 2020.

    President Jair Bolsonaro at the Palacio da Alvorada, Brasilia, Brazil, March 30, 2020. | Photo: EFE

Published 9 April 2020

Only 19 percent of the population trust President Jair Bolsonaro in any situation. In Sao Paulo, 52 percent holds that he lost conditions to govern.

Amid debates about what needs to be done to contain the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil, Datafolha published an opinion poll according to which 80 percent of the population says they suspect President Jair Bolsonaro's statements.


Sao Paulo Extends Lockdown, Bolsonaro Defies Health Advice

The investigation was carried out between April 5 and April 6, included 2,948 people in 176 municipalities, and has a margin of error of two percentage points.

According to the data, 39 percent of the people consider Bolsonaro's performance to be bad or terrible, 25 percent consider it to be regular, and 33 percent see it to be good or excellent.

Datafolha also revealed that 43 percent of Brazilians do not trust Bolsonaro at all, 37 percent trust him sometimes, and 19 percent trust him.

"The Sao Paulo state, which voted overwhelmingly for Bolsonaro, must be regretting... 43 percent of those interviewed consider that his management of the pandemic has been bad... 58 percent said that Bolsonaro hurts rather than helps, and 52 percent holds that he lost conditions to govern," local outlet Antagonista detailed​​​​​​​

"Evolution of various epidemics compared to COVID-19! It would be interesting to show this video to Jair Bolsonaro and Osmar Terra so that they can make comparisons to H1N1 and the ''little flu' as well as talk about the classic 'it will kill just a little bit!'."

Datafolha also investigated people's attitudes towards Bolsonaro regarding the position he occupies.

In Brazil, 28 percent say that he never behaves according to what a president should behave, 25 percent say that he sometimes behaves appropriately, 28 percent say that he behaves appropriately at times, and 14 percent affirm his attitudes are suitable on all occasions.

"The most favorable appraisals were made by over-60-years-old citizens whose family income is between five and ten minimum wages," local outlet Folha detailed.​​​​​​​

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