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News > Latin America

Bolivia Celebrates Return of Oldest Human Footprint  

  • Oldest petrified footprint returned to Bolivia

    Oldest petrified footprint returned to Bolivia | Photo: ABI

Published 30 December 2017

"The oldest petrified human footprint has come back to its original home, possibly between 5 and 15 million year", tweeted Bolivia’s Foreign Minister Fernando Huanacuni. He added, “we’ve rescued this piece of history.”

Bolivia is celebrating the rightful return of what could be the oldest petrified human footprint.  

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"The oldest petrified human footprint has come back to its original home, possibly between 5 and 15 million years", tweeted Bolivia’s Foreign Minister Fernando Huanacuni. He added, “we’ve rescued this piece of history.”

Huanacuni handed over the relic to leaders of the indigenous Sullkatiti who live near Lake Titicaca where the ancient print was found, in a ceremony last night in La Paz. The solidified footprint was discovered in 2008 but was stolen in 2012, many say to be sold in Peru.

The precise age of the now petrified print is known, but it’s calculated to have been formed in the Miocene period, predating by far any other evidence of human existence on earth.

Bolivia’s director of Diplomatic Academy, Jorge Miranda, said during the ceremony that the print was the “most perfect to be found on the entire planet to date.”

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