Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza will speak at the U.N. Human Rights Council next week, Council Chairman Vojislav Suc confirmed Wednesday.
Testimonies of Venezuelan Migrants Who Returned to the Homeland
Reports state the Bolivarian minister intends to speak on the second day of the 39th Council's session on September 11 to discuss his country’s immigration situation with the international community in light of allegations of a migratory crisis and human rights violations made by both U.N. officials and members of the Organization of American States.
The Vice President of Venezuela Delcy Rodriguez and the Minister of Communications and Information Jorge Rodriguez, addressed the country Monday to denounce the allegations made by some Latin American countries and media about the "false humanitarian crisis" in the nation that have been used to launch attacks against the government of Nicolas Maduro.
Delcy Rodriguez said the data presented by Venezuelan officials serves to "dismantle the fake news and diplomatic tools against the country," which are aimed at using “a political issue to turn the flow of migration into an international intervention."
Delcy Rodríguez used statistics from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to show that Venezuela receives more migrants than it has seen flow out in recent months and that the country has the fewest voluntary migrants on the continent.
As part of a new state initiative, “Return to the Homeland Plan,” several planes have been sent across South America to collect all citizens wishing to return home with the hopes of participating in the country’s economic recovery program.
Last week the government of Venezuela facilitated the return of 89 citizens from Peru and 185 migrants from the state of Roraima in Brazil, and more flights are expected in the next few days with nationals arriving from Ecuador, Argentina, and Peru.