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Advisors Fear Trump Will Use Army to Change Election Results

  • According to senior military officials, fears have arisen that Trump will attempt to use the U.S. armed forces to attempt to change the results of the November 3rd presidential elections.

    According to senior military officials, fears have arisen that Trump will attempt to use the U.S. armed forces to attempt to change the results of the November 3rd presidential elections. | Photo: Twitter/@aldotcom

Published 28 December 2020

The possibility that U.S. President Donald Trump will decide to use military force to change the outcome of the election is a concern to some of his top advisors.

"We don't know what Donald Trump might do. He is the commander-in-chief of the [U.S.] Armed Forces. Senior officials are concerned that he may decide to resort to the use of military force in an attempt to overturn the November 3 election results," CNN reported Saturday.


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In this regard, according to the report, the former head of the Special Operations Command of the U.S. Department of Defense (the Pentagon) Anthony Thomas tweeted a message on Friday addressed to former U.S. National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, asking him to surrender to the result of the elections and warning him that taking advantage of the Army to "re-run the elections" is totally inappropriate behavior for his profession.

Thomas' remarks came in reaction to a video in which Flynn appears to be giving a speech about the possibility that Trump may decide to order the "military" to change states' results and "re-run an election in each of those states."

However, CNN emphasized that, according to the U.S. Constitution, "the military has no role in determining the outcome of the nation's election."

The remaining tenant of the White House, who has yet to admit defeat to Democrat Joe Biden, is pointing to the theory of a conspiracy against him on grounds such as voter fraud or that he will raise the issue of elections to judicial bodies to reverse the results in his favor.

So far, however, all the legal actions taken by the Republican and his team have been unsuccessful.

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