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News > Brazil

4 Children Are Killed In Kindergarten Attack In Southern Brazil

  • Forensic technicians, ambulances, and police officers stand outside the pre-school, Santa Catarina, Brazil, April 5, 2023.

    Forensic technicians, ambulances, and police officers stand outside the pre-school, Santa Catarina, Brazil, April 5, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/ @Reuters

Published 5 April 2023

Local Security Chief, Marcio Filippi, told reporters that the attacker gained access to the pre-school by scaling its walls.

On Wednesday, at least four children were killed and four other injured when a 25-year-old man armed with a small axe attacked a private kindergarten in the Santa Catarina state in southern Brazil.


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The man responsible for the attack has already been arrested. Local Security Chief, Marcio Filippi, told reporters that the attacker gained access to the private school by scaling its walls.

The children who were injured are under medical care at the Santo Antonio hospital in Blumenau city. They are aged between zero and two years old, and their conditions are stable. The hospital has also received two staff members who were wounded in the attack.

The motive for the attack, which President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva dubbed as a monstrosity, is still unclear. The Police have launched an investigation into the incident.

"There is no greater pain than that of a family that loses its children and grandchildren, even more so in an act of violence against so innocent and defenseless people," Lula da Silva tweeted.

Attacks on schools in Brazil are unusual. However, in recent years, they have happened more frequently. Last week, a student in Sao Paulo stabbed a teacher and injured several classmantes.

"My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims and the people of Blumenau city," Lula da Silva stated, stressing that the Education Ministry will draft a rule to help schools fight violence.

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