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  • Solidarity, a group made up of different movements and social and cultural entities from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

    Solidarity, a group made up of different movements and social and cultural entities from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. | Photo: The Voices

Published 5 May 2020

We, the Solidarity group of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines sternly condemn this attempted attack against Venezuela.

Solidarity, a group made up of different movements and social and cultural entities from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, reaffirms its support with the Government and people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in the face of constant and imperialists threats and actions being carried out against this sister Nation by the United States of America and its allies in the region.

Open Letter in Support of Venezuela from Caribbean NGOs

The latest of these actions occurred yesterday May 3, 2020, in the form of an attempted Mercenary and Terrorist attack. 

We, the Solidarity group of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines sternly condemn this attempted attack which contradicts the principles of NON-INTERVENTION and SELF-DETERMINATION of the Venezuelan people. These are principles that we strongly subscribe to. Evidence gathered by Venezuelan State authorities points to the involvement of forces within the Republic of Colombia together with agents from the United States of America. It is reprehensible that the Republic of Colombia, a Nation that historically shares the Spirit of Simon Bolivar, would allow itself to be an IMPERIALIST PROXY against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

We declare ourselves in PERMANENT actions of Solidarity with the Government and People of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, while we exhort the people of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to join this act of support and brotherhood with a People who have been in great friendship with us throughout history.

The Citizens of the Caribbean WILL NOT allow, as President Maduro expresses in the letter sent to the Citizens of the United States dated 03/03/2020, that our region be drawn “ into endless conflict, another Vietnam, another Iraq, but this time closer to home.”

Finally, in the context of the # NoMoreTrump global Campaign, We demand that the Government of the United States of America Cease aggression against the people of Bolivar and Chavez and end the Criminal Blockade against the Venezuelan People.

Mike Browne, President of the Venezuelan and Vincentian Friendship Association (VENVIFA)
Laura Denise Stephens, Vice President of the Venezuelan and VincentianFriendship Association (VENVIFA)
Marlon Joseph, P.R.O of the Venezuelan and Vincentian Friendship Association (VENVIFA)
Renwick Rose, President of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines-Cuba Friendship Association
Victor Byron, President of the Resistant Heartbeat Drummers
Beverly Richards, President of the National Council of Women
Kozel peters-Fraser, Manager of the windward Islands Farmers Association (WINFA)
Kezron Walters, President of the ULP Youth Arm
James Gibson, Executive member of the ULP Youth Arm
Noel Jackson, General Secretary of the National Workers Movement


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