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World Reacts to Fidel Castro's Passing

  • A woman carries a portrait of Cuba's former president Fidel Castro during a May Day rally in Istanbul, Turkey, May 1, 2016.

    A woman carries a portrait of Cuba's former president Fidel Castro during a May Day rally in Istanbul, Turkey, May 1, 2016. | Photo: Reuters

Published 26 November 2016

The world reacted instantly to Friday's news that Fidel Castro, leader of the Cuban Revolution, died Friday at the age of 90.

Within minutes news of Fidel Castro’s death was trending on Twitter, with 350,000 tweets within an hour of the announcement on Cuban national television. Wikipedia had almost instantly updated its entry on the leader of the small Caribbean island who inspired revolutionary movements throughout the world.

Fidel’s key allies in the region, leaders of the left-wing movements and governments which were inspired by the Cuban revolution, responded quickly to the news:

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa: “A great one is gone. Long live Cuba ! Long live Latin America !”

Ecuador’s Foreign Minister, Guillaume Long, was devastated by the news:

“Infinite sadness for the death of Fidel. Eternal embrace of Cuban people in this moment of pain and grief. The world mourns a giant.”

President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro Tweeted:

“I just finished speaking with President Raul Castro to offer Solidarity and Love to the Cuban People on the departure of Comandante Fidel Castro.”

“Fidel and Chavez built ALBA, PetroCaribe, and paved the way for the Liberation of our People”

“To all the Revolutionaries of the World we have to continue with his Legacy and his Flag of Independence, of Socialism, of his Homeland.”

However The extent of condolences for Fidel Castro's death transcends geographic or political boundaries.

Pakistani presidential candidate and world famous cricketer Imran Khan was one of the first international politicians to react to the news, celebrating Fidel’s example to the world:

India’s right-wing President Narendra Modi expressed his condolences and called Fidel a great friend to India:

Thousands remembered Fidel's legendary solidarity with freedom movements throughout the world:

As well as his lifelong commitment to the principles of mutual aid:

Many noted Fidel's ability to resist an estimated 638 U.S. assassination attempts:

In Miami, the heart of the far-right Cuban exile community who fled Fidel's reforms, the reaction was predictable, with dozens celebrating in the streets:

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, senior Republican representative for Florida, was already plotting:

Others noted the hypocrisy of those celebrating Fidel's death:

While countless others expressed deep gratitude for his remarkable life and legacy:

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