Two years into President Donald Trump's administration, a majority of U.S. citizens have lost confidence in the brash real estate magnate's performance on everything from the economy to foreign policy, a poll showed Monday.
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The ABC News/Washington Post poll was published after Trump suffered a major setback in his signature push for more wall along the U.S.-Mexican border.
On the economy, which has been Trump's chief claim to success, only 49 percent believe he has done an excellent job, according to the poll. That's down from 61 percent who were expecting excellent results at the time he was inaugurated.
On job creation, those numbers fell to 51 percent from an original 59 percent.
On grappling with the enormous federal budget deficit, only 33 percent think he has done a good or excellent job, compared to 50 percent who started with high expectations.
Forty-four percent of voters expected Trump to do an excellent job improving the country's chaotic and expensive healthcare system, but the number now is only 33 percent.
Forty-eight percent of Americans say they have no confidence in Trump's future performance, the poll found. The number is 37 percent for Trump's main opponent in Congress, the Democratic speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi.
The Post-ABC poll was conducted by January 21-24 among a random national sample of 1,001 adults.
On Friday, Trump agreed to suspend a punishing government shutdown after the tactic failed to pressure Democrats into backing his wall project.
The RealClear Politics average currently shows him with 41.2 percent job approval ratings and 55.5 percent disapproval. An average put together by the FiveThirtyEight site puts those numbers at 39.4 to 56 percent.