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News > Venezuela

Venezuelans March Against Attack on Electric Grid System in Anti-imperialist Day

  • Thousands of people marched in Caracas in support of the Government of Nicolas Maduro and against US interference.

    Thousands of people marched in Caracas in support of the Government of Nicolas Maduro and against US interference. | Photo: teleSUR

Published 9 March 2019

The march gathered thousands of Venezuelans that protest imperialist intervention in the country, two days after the attack on its electric system. 

Thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets Saturday to march against interventionism in the country, as part of the celebrations of the national Bolivarian Anti-imperialist Day. 

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The march started at 09:00 a.m. local time from the headquarters of Venezuela's TV Channel 8 and it mobilized down Av. Libertador de Caracas to the Presidential Palace of Miraflores, where President Nicolas Maduro and the countries political leaders received the gathering crowd. 

“Today, as the U.S empire, in its desperate attempt to take our natural resources intensified their brutal aggression against the Homeland, we firmly stand up to defend our land and scream with force: Yankee Go Home! We are anti-imperialist!,” tweeted President Maduro. 

The Anti-imperialist Day is held every March 9 to commemorate the same date in 2015 when former U.S. President Barack Obama announced the first decree against Venezuela, by considering it a threat to the North American nation.

As crowds carrying messages of support gathered in plaza beneath Palace of Miraflores,  high ranking authorities received them, such as Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza, who congratulated the people for their resistance in the hours after the blackout.

"This is a country that resists and that is why we are going to get out of all difficulties!" assured Arreaza, while calling for unity and support for President Maduro.

Another participant was the president of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), Diosdado Cabello, who assured that the unity of the Venezuelan people and the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) is "getting stronger every day."

Cabello demanded respect for the sovereignty of the country and also highlighted the popular courage in the face of the greatest attack in Venezuela's history to against its electric service. In addition, he emphasized that in Venezuela there have been no acts of violence and that the government is working to restore all services throughout the country. 

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