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Venezuelan President Continues Tour Through China And Arrives To Shanghai City

  • Venezuelan President Continues Tour Through China And Arrives To Shanghai City
Published 9 September 2023

The president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, arrived at the Hongqiao International Airport in the city of Shanghai, where he was received by authorities from the Foreign Affairs Office of the Asian country and the municipal government.

The executive vice president, Delcy Rodríguez, the ambassador of Venezuela in China, Giuseppe Yofreda, the deputy Nicolas Maduro Guerra and the Consul General of Venezuela in Shanghai, Atilio Villasmil, attended the reception of the president, who is traveling together with the first lady, Cilia Flores.

The tour, which will last until September 14, is part of an official invitation from the President of China, Xi Jinping, with the purpose of strengthening the ties of brotherhood and complementarity between both nations, which have 49 years of relationship and cooperation. in various areas.

This stop in the city of Shanghai takes place after the successful visit to Shenzhen.

Through his social networks, the first national leader announced his arrival to the second city that he visits on his state tour.

This Friday, September 8, President Maduro arrived at the Bo'an International Airport in the city of Shenzhen, to begin a historic visit to China.

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