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News > Latin America

Venezuelan Opposition Leader Lopez Returned to House Arrest

  • Leopoldo Lopez and his wife Lilian Tintori talking in their house in Caracas, Venezuela on July 17, 2017

    Leopoldo Lopez and his wife Lilian Tintori talking in their house in Caracas, Venezuela on July 17, 2017 | Photo: Reuters

Published 5 August 2017

Another opponent of the government,  Antonio Ledezma, was detained at the same time and went home on Friday.

The wife of the Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez says he has been returned to house arrest.

Lilian Tintori sent out a tweet to confirm he was back at home on Saturday night.

The opposition leader had his house arrest revoked last Tuesday after violating the conditions of the agreement which allowed his freedom under special conditions.

Another opponent of the government,  Antonio Ledezma, was detained at the same time and was returned home on Friday.

Venezuela's Supreme Court of Justice said the fifth and sixth tribunals of the Metropolitan Area of Caracas had verified Lopez and Ledezma's failure to comply with the conditions of the house arrest.

Lopez had urged Venezuelans to take to the streets and block the roads to prevent the election of the National Constituent Assembly last weekend.


Leopoldo Lopez's House Arrest Revoked After Violating Terms

In June, while he was still in prison, Lopez published a video asking the military to rebel against the government.

Ledezma was arrested in February 2015 on charges of conspiracy. After spending two months in the military prison at Ramo Verde, he received a “precautionary measure to substitute freedom” for health reasons. He has not yet been convicted.

In 2014, after the opposition lost in municipal elections, Lopez led violent guarimbas in an effort to unseat the government.

Despite the mounting death toll and the continued violence, Lopez insisted people should keep trying to oust President Nicolas Maduro.

The unrest led to 43 deaths, with victims of the protests, including the family members of some of those killed, calling for justice.

Lopez was later tried for his role in the violence and sentenced to 14 years in prison.

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