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News > Venezuela

Venezuela VP Exposes Guyana's False Version on Exxon Ships in Disputed Waters

  • Vice President Delcy Rodriguez shows evidence of the area Exxon Mobil ships entered, an undisputedly

    Vice President Delcy Rodriguez shows evidence of the area Exxon Mobil ships entered, an undisputedly | Photo: teleSUR

Published 8 January 2019

Rodriguez showed official documentation evidencing the fact that the ships were not in fact in the disputed area of Esequiba.

On Tuesday, Delcy Rodriguez, vice president of Venezuela, presented concrete evidence contradicting Guyana's version in the case of the two Exxon Mobile vessels in the Esequibo area, which took place in December 2018.


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The presence of Exxon Mobile ships, sent by Guyana into Venezuelan waters, was characterized by Vice President Delcy Rodríguez as a very serious event and a provocation.

Rodriguez showed official documentation which evidenced the fact that the ships were not in fact in the disputed area of Esequiba, the lines of which were settled via the Geneva Conventions of 1966.

The ships trespassed on waters located within territory under Venezuelan jurisdiction, and over which there is no dispute of any kind, said the vice president, making reference to agreements signed between both nations, and which has been unrecognized and violated by the government of David Granger, by granting concessions to foreign companies, such as Exxon Mobile, for their own interests.

Delcy Rodríguez played radio communications recorded by the Bolivarian Navy as it encountered one of the ships. The tape makes clear that the event did not occur in disputed waters, but in Venezuelan territory.

Likewise, the recording disproved the idea that Venezuelan officials had not boarded the Guyanese ships as the nation claimed.

In addition, the Bolivarian official denounced Exxon Mobile’s payment of a sum of US$20 million to Granger’s government to sue Venezuela before the International Court of Justice.

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