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Venezuela Denounces Fraud in Opposition Primary Elections

  • National Assembly President Jorge Rodriguez, Oct. 24, 2023.

    National Assembly President Jorge Rodriguez, Oct. 24, 2023. | Photo: AN

Published 24 October 2023

"No one knew if they should vote or where they should do it because Sumate, a company belonging to Maria Corina Machado, organized the electoral farce," Rodriguez said.

On Tuesday, National Assembly President Jorge Rodriguez denounced the fraud perpetrated by a sector of the right-wing opposition in the primary elections held on Sunday.


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"The same ones who violated the Constitution staged a pantomime to allow them to block us. Using a different makeup, they now launched a second 'self-proclamation' through a gigantic electoral farce and scam," he said.

Rodriguez presented some elements “of the many that exist” to prove a colossal fraud perpetrated by some right-wing groups in the primaries held this Sunday.

In this regard, the legislator explained in detail three aspects of the fraud perpetrated in the elections. Firstly, voters were unaware of the existence of an electoral registry and the location of voting centers.

Additionally, the organizers changed voting center locations one day before the election. Finally, the private company in charge of primary elections is known in Venezuela for its extensive experience in executing scams.

"No one knew if they should vote or where they should do it because Sumate, a company belonging to Maria Corina Machado, organized the electoral farce," Rodriguez said, referring to the right-wing candidate. who supposedly emerged victorious from the primary elections.

"The 'One Person, One Vote' principle was not guaranteed... The real crime lies in the theft of the identity of over 2 million people. In Venezuela and anywhere in the world, that is a crime because it is a theft of will. There is no other way to sustain those numbers. They said that almost 2 million people participated but only 598,350 voted,” Rodriguez said.

In his capacity as head of the Bolivarian Government's delegation for the dialogue process, the National Assembly president will request that the Verification Commission of the Barbados Agreements evaluate these facts.

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