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US Will ‘Do Its Best’ To Stop Corbyn From Being Elected as Prime Minister: Pompeo

  • Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (left) and Labour's party leader Jeremy Corbyn (right)

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (left) and Labour's party leader Jeremy Corbyn (right) | Photo: Reuters

Published 10 June 2019

“President Trump and his officials’ attempts to decide who will be Britain’s next prime minister are an entirely unacceptable interference in the UK’s democracy,” Labour’s spokesperson stated.

In the most recent showcase of United States (U.S.) meddling in foreign governments, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pledged, in a leaked conversation with British Jewish leaders, that his country will “push-back” against Labour’s party leader Jeremy Corbyn's bid to get elected as Prime Minister. 

Corbyn Accuses Trump of 'Interfering' in Britain's Race for PM

“It could be that Mr. Corbyn manages to run the gauntlet and get elected,” Pompeo is heard saying. “It’s possible. You should know, we won’t wait for him to do those things to begin to push back. We will do our level best. It’s too risky and too important and too hard once it’s already happened.”

The recording was leaked to The Washington Post and revealed on Sunday after sustained accusations of antisemitism within the party. These allegations have mainly being driven by mainstream media and certain pro-Israeli groups against Labour’s leadership.

Corbyn has long been a campaigner against Israeli occupation and supporter of Palestinian rights, which many journalists have labeled as anti-semitic.

“President Trump and his officials’ attempts to decide who will be Britain’s next prime minister are an entirely unacceptable interference in the UK’s democracy,” Labour’s spokesperson stated, adding that party was “fully committed to the support, defense and celebration of the Jewish community and is implacably opposed to antisemitism in any form”.

On June 1, Corbyn deemed as “unacceptable interference in our country’s democracy” U.S. President Donald Trump’s unsolicited opinion of a potential replacement for former PM Theresa May. “The next PM should be chosen not by the U.S. president, nor by 100,000 unrepresentative Tory party members, but by the British people in a general election,” Corbyn added.

Theresa May signed her resignation letter as leader of the Conservative Party on Friday but says she will continue as acting Premier until her successor is elected July 22. However, Corbyn calls for general elections in the U.K.

On the matter and growing talk, about Labour trying to oust Corbyn from within the party prior to any big decision, a party source said there were no plans at all for a reshuffle and dismissed speculation about moves within the top team as “mischief-making”.

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