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News > Colombia

UNSC Urges Colombia to Resume Peace Talks With ELN

  • UNSC urges Colombia to resume peace talks with ELN.

    UNSC urges Colombia to resume peace talks with ELN. | Photo: Reuters

Published 24 January 2019

The U.N. Security Council asked Colombia to resume peace talks with ELN after an attack by the guerilla group at a police training school. 

The United Nations Security Council urged Colombian government Wednesday to resume dialogue with the National Liberation Army (ELN for its acronym in Spanish). UNSC also reiterated its solidarity with Colombia after the attack by ELN guerrillas on the School of Cadets of the Santander General Police.


Colombia: War Victims Plea For Continuation of Peace Dialogue

ELN took responsibility Monday for the attacks against the National Police’s school of cadets in the capital city of Bogota, which left 21 dead and leading to the end of the peace process round table being held in La Habana, Cuba.

The attacks on the National Police’s compound would represent a response to military activities carried out by the government of far-right President Ivan Duque during the ceasefire implemented by the armed group during the Christmas and New Year celebrations, according to the ELN.

The communique also states that the Colombian army bombed an insurgency camp on Dec. 25, affecting a family of farmers in the nearby area. “It is then highly disproportionate that, while the government attacks us, it suggests that we are unable to attack in our legitimate defense,” an ELN spokesperson said.

The Colombian government announced the end of the peace process after the attack.

The UNSC said that the attack indicates the urgency to end the conflict with ELN. Hence, dialogue should resume and Peace Agreement should be implemented.

“It has been a pleasure for the Security Council to support Colombia in this process, it is vital to help Colombia achieve its success and as a country, I promise that we will make sure that it continues to be so," said the representative of the United Kingdom.

The German representative said, “We do not believe that there is any other alternative than the political process and, in this context, I would like to call on the ELN to take the first step with the release of all the hostages,”

The representative of the Secretary-General before the U.N., Carlos Ruiz Massieu said that these events "remind us of the urgent need to put an end to the violence and persevere the efforts to guarantee a more peaceful future for Colombians.”

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