In the 24 hours since U.S. President Donald Trump said Washington is exploring “many options regarding Venezuela, including a possible military option if necessary”, the global community has continued to condemn his comments.
'Stop US Aggression': Venezuela Responds to 'Imperialist' Trump
In a teleSUR exclusive, the U.S. intellectual Noam Chomsky said the remarks were "shocking and dangerous."
Chomsky believes Trump maybe "painting himself into a corner. It is worth remembering that he is probably following his usual practice of speaking to his base, and trying to ensure that he remains in the limelight, not caring much about real world consequences (except to his pocketbook and image). The best hope is that some of the generals around him, who presumably understand the consequences, will manage to control him."
Regional powers have also come out strongly against the comments.
Ecuador says it "reminds the international community that the declaration of Latin America and the Caribbean as a zone of peace implies the commitment of all nations to preserve our common territory free of threats or military interventions of any kind. In this context, it expresses its solidarity with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and rejects any threat of possible military intrusion into its territory. Ecuador reiterates the call for dialogue as the only way to solve the situation of the brother Venezuelan people.
The Peruvian government issued a statement saying it "rejects any threat or use of force not authorized by the United Nations Security Council."
Bolivia's President Evo Morales tweeted that Trump had blatantly revealed his interventionist plan adding, "We condemn US armed intervention against Venezuela, a country that seeks peace in a Constitutional dialogue and regional elections."
Morales also accused the right in Venezuela and abroad of being "noisily silent" in their complicity on the issue.
Trump revela descaradamente su plan de intervención militar contra Venezuela.
— Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) August 12, 2017
Ante amenaza de intervención armada de Trump contra Venezuela, derecha local e internacional guarda ruidoso silencio cómplice.
— Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) August 12, 2017
The Colombian government said it rejects military options and the use of force against its neighbor and insists "It is necessary to respect the Charter of the United Nations and international law, and the sovereignty of Venezuela through peaceful solutions."
Trump's threats were renounced by Mexico, echoing Bogota's assertion that a solution would not be found through "internal or external military actions."
Brazilian Foreign Minister Aloysio Nunes announced that his nation does not support military intervention in Venezuela.
"The time for the big stick has passed," he said. "Our path is that of diplomacy, politics and negotiation."
The Southern Common Market, Mercosur, also issued a statement alluding to Trump's threat.
"Mercosur considers that the only acceptable instruments for the promotion of democracy are dialogue and diplomacy," the statement said.
"The repudiation of violence and any option involving the use of force is unavoidable and constitutes the fundamental basis of democratic coexistence, both internally and in international relations."
And many other have been making their views clear:
Reiterando todos los términos de la Declaración de Lima sobre Venezuela, Gob Chile rechaza amenaza de una intervención militar en Venezuela.
— Heraldo Muñoz (@HeraldoMunoz) August 12, 2017
Chilean Foreign Minister Heraldo Muñoz: Reiterating all of the terms of the Lima Declaration on Venezuela, the government of Chile rejects the threat of military intervention in Venezuela.
.@realDonaldTrump in Latinamerica we don't your war, only an imbecile would wage war on his neighbor land. Violence it's not the answer.
— Vicente Fox Quesada (@VicenteFoxQue) August 11, 2017
Y el que avale una intervencion de EEUU en su continente, arriesgando la vida y la paz de todos nosotros, tambien es un miserable.
— Alicia Castro (@AliciaCastroAR) August 12, 2017
Former Argentine Ambassador to Venezuela Alicia Castro: And the one who endorses a US intervention in his continent, risking the life and peace of us all, is also a miser.
Trump, como niño con juguete nuevo, acaba de descubrir que amenazando a Venezuela y Corea del Norte puede tratar mejorar su imagen en EU ��
— JORGE RAMOS (@jorgeramosnews) August 12, 2017
Trump, like a child with new toy, has just discovered that threatening Venezuela and North Korea can improve his image in the United States.
Condenamos la amenaza de agresión bélica de @realDonaldTrump a Venezuela, es un ataque a la soberanía del pueblo venezolano @embavenespana
— PCE (@elpce) August 12, 2017
Communist Party of Spain: We condemn the threat of war aggression of Donald Trump to Venezuela. It is an attack on the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people.
No permitamos que en Venezuela se repita impunemente la invasión estilo Granada o Panamá. Hay presidentes caínes; también pueblos solidarios
— Rodrigo Granda (@RodrigoGFARC) August 12, 2017
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC, spokesperson Rodrigo Granda: Let us not allow an invasion in the style of Granada or Panama to be repeated with impunity. There are evil presidents, and also people of solidarity.
La agresión de @POTUS contra @NicolasMaduro desnuda el carácter violento del Gobierno de EEUU contra el Pueblo de VENEZUELA .
— Manuel Zelaya R. (@manuelzr) August 12, 2017
Former Honduran President Manuel Zelaya: The aggression of the U.S. president against Nicolas Maduro exposes the violent character of the U.S. government against the people of Venezuela.