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News > Venezuela

Latin American Social Movements Show Support to The Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela

  • Mobilization at the Consulate of Venezuela in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in solidarity with the people of Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution

    Mobilization at the Consulate of Venezuela in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in solidarity with the people of Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution | Photo: twitter: @Brasil_de_Fato

Published 15 February 2019

These groups have all gathered to reject interventionism because it has put Latin American countries "in a situation that attacks and puts stability and peace at risk."

Several groups of artists, journalists, intellectuals and social groups from around Latin America have shown their support for Venezuela, its Bolivarian Government, and have rejected any interventionist acts perpetrated by the United States.

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In Argentina, the group of intellectuals Carta Abierta met in Buenos Aires to state their support to the President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro, in the face of the U.S. attacks that have promoted a coup in the country through right-wing opposition groups.

Through a statement entitled "Our Support for the Government of Nicolas Maduro", the members of the group assured that the attacks suffered by Venezuela are part of the "most brutal exercise of a new act of imperial domination, of decrepit imperial domination."

In this sense, the Argentine group of intellectuals assured that the conflict in Venezuela stems not only from U.S. interests for oil and wealth of the South American country, but also there a clear intention to subjugate Latin America to their control after political processes that have promoted Marti-inspired "Sandino, Peron, Fidel, Lula, Chavez, Kirchner, Evo Morales."

The Argentine chapter of the Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity (REDH) also released a statement on Friday, saying that "Macri does not represent us. Venezuela must be respected," and elevating their voice of discontent against the countries that make up the Lima Group, or "Lima Cartel" as they called it in their statement.

In Cuba, groups of students, intellectuals, unions and social leaders have started to collect signatures in support of Venezuela and its constitutional President Nicolas Maduro, and against the economic and financial blockade and threats of a military intervention perpetrated by the U.S.

The group called upon students and movements to stand against the U.S. power that does not hide its attacks against the Bolivarian nation, and to defend revolution and socialism, shouting "Hands Off Venezuela."

In Paraguay, a similar group delivered a "letter to the Paraguayan government", requesting the respect of the Venezuelan people's right to self-determination. They also demand that the government respects the United Nations (UN) foundational letter, and stops participating in acts of aggression against the Venezuelan state. "This government and its policy does not represent us because we are a pacifist people respectful of the Right of Peoples," stated the group of activist "that love and defend peace."

An Ecuadorean group of over 100 representatives of journalists, artists, politicians and social movements gathered on Friday to reject the "aggressive interventionist campaign on the internal issues of our countries and the announcement by the U.S. of a military option against Venezuela."

These groups have all gathered to reject interventionism because it has put Latin American countries "in a situation that attacks and puts stability and peace at risk."

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