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Same-Sex Marriage Stalled in Australia

  • A gay rights activist holds a placard during a rally supporting same-sex marriage, in Sydney, Australia May 31, 2015.

    A gay rights activist holds a placard during a rally supporting same-sex marriage, in Sydney, Australia May 31, 2015. | Photo: Reuters

Published 11 August 2015

Same-sex marriage had suffered a setback in Australia after Prime Minister Tony Abbott ruled out a free vote on the issue. 

After six hours of debate, Australian Members of Parliament voted 30-60 in favor of keeping the existing definition of marriage as the union between a man and a woman. 

The decision delays the recognition of same-sex marriage, preventing a free vote on the issue until the end of Prime Minister Tony Abbott´s political term. 

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Local press reported that Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull have criticised the way Mr Abbott conducted the debate. The refusal to discuss a constitutional amendment has also caused trouble among other Liberals and the Labor Party, who have demanded a plebicite on the issue in parliament. 

According to the Austalian law, the Federal Parliament has the constitutional power to introduce a national law allowing same-sex couples to marry.

Analysts say there is broad support for same-sex marriage in Australia and the Liberal party response to the issue, as well as its response to other issues such as migrant rights, women’s rights, and welfare, has further damaged its popularity.

Meanwhile, LGBT activists and groups have said they will continue fighting for equal rights for all Australians and push for a referendum on same-sex marriage.

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