On Sunday, the French government spokesperson Olivier Veran announced that President Emmanuel Macron will boost the approval of new health, education, and migration reforms despite the mass mobilizations against the pension reform bill.
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"The popular discontent with that bill does not mean that we will withdraw the approval of other reforms, some of them unpopular, but highly necessary for the country's future," Veran claimed.
The Macron administration will reorganize the parliamentary agenda to respond to the concerns over access to health attention and the reception of undocumented migrants.
"We did not agree with the citizenship on the retirement age, but there are many other essential concerns for the French on which we want to work with them, including the revaluation of wages," Veran said.
This spokesperson highlighted that Macron intends to collaborate with the trade unions, which called for the tenth mass mobilization on Tuesday against the pension reform bill.
"We must reflect on how to pass reforms without necessarily resorting to the law," Veran alleged. Nevertheless, he urged to boost the French in the decision-making process.
"We propose to postpone the debate on the bill to accelerate the expulsions of undocumented migrants because we believe it is an issue that society should reflect on," he said.