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Pope Francis pray for floods and landslides victims in Venezuela

  • Pope Francis pray for floods and landslides victims in Venezuela
Published 28 August 2021

The Holy Father expressed his “closeness” to the people of the Venezuelan state of Merida, which has been struck by torrential rains.

This Sunday, Pope Francis said that he prays for the victims of the floods and landslides in Venezuela.

The Holy Father expressed his “closeness” to the people of the Venezuelan state of Merida, which has been struck by torrential rains, Vatican News said.

In Venezuela, 11 of the 23 municipalities in the state of Mérida have been seriously affected by the rainy season that hit the country.

It is estimated that in the entire national territory there are at least 20 dead, several missing and thousands of victims and material damage due to the tragedy.

In its last balance of the situation, President Nicolás Maduro reported that, together with Civil Protection and the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), the Simón Bolívar humanitarian task force, He has moved to the area to collaborate in the rescue and clean-up work while the national government continues to advance in the recovery work.

The municipality of the goods it is one of the most affected.

The region has the highest number of fatalities and the overflowing of its river caused the rupture of pipes and damage to its power plant, which has left several communities without drinking water or energy.

The authorities are working on the full restoration of roads to the area, as well as on the recovery of public services and access to food, health, transportation and electricity.

The Venezuelan vice president, Delcy Rodríguez, visited some of the most affected areas and offered this Friday a balance of the situation and the actions to be taken.

He promised “comprehensive care” with the supply of medicines, food and medical equipment, and announced the installation in Mérida of a “Single Centralized Command” to “guarantee the care and protection of the people affected by the rains.” In that entity in the west of the country, about 800 homes were damaged and 400 families lost their belongings.

Alert in La Guaira

This Saturday the torrential rains also affected several localities in the state of La Guaira, on the central (north) coast.

Flooded streets and swollen rivers were seen in social media videos.

Even without reports of human losses, the authorities remain on alert for the situation in this coastal enclave, where in 1999 there was a tragedy due to landslides and floods.

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