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News > Latin America

Peru: New Prison Order For Keiko Fujimori

  • Demonstrators in Lima, Peru, protest against corruption scandals centered on Keiko Fujimori who might go to prison.

    Demonstrators in Lima, Peru, protest against corruption scandals centered on Keiko Fujimori who might go to prison. | Photo: Reuters

Published 20 October 2018

Prosecutor Jose Domingo Perez requested a prison order for Keiko Fujimori, despite being the opposition leader in Peru being released Wednesday, after a court appeal.

The Peruvian justice system will determine on Sunday if the opposition leader Keiko Fujimori is sent to prison for 36 months. If this happens it would put her aspirations to be a presidential candidate for the third time in 2021, in jeopardy.

Keiko Let Go, Peruvian Minister Resigns as Corrupt Judge Flees

Keiko Fujimori is the leader of the Popular Force party, and daughter of former dictator Alberto Fujimori, who was convicted of crimes against humanity.

She was detained on Oct. 10th in connection with receiving up to US$1.2 million from Odebretch to fund her 2011 presidential run, but then released after ten days of protective custody.

The prosecutor Jose Domingo Perez asked for the protective custody for 12 heads of the "Fujimorismo" (tendency linked to Fujimori), for the abovementioned campaign money.

According to the Judicial Power Twitter account, the "protective custody hearing for Keiko Fujimori and (the) other eleven investigated, is going to happen on Sunday at 10 a.m. local time."

The new Interior Minister, Carlos Moran, Friday, ordered for reinforcement of the security of Prosecutor Jose Domingo Perez. "The Police of Peru will expand the security of the Prosecutor Domingo Pérez and also of his family and home," wrote Minister Moran on Twitter.

The "Fujimorista" forces in Congress have been shielding political allies implicated in corruption cases. President Martin Vizcarra was forced to lead a reform in the judicial and political system in the country in order to gain governability. In Peru, Congress has the power to pass laws without the permission of the executive power.

Thousands of Peruvians have been protesting the corruptions scandals happening in the country. Shouting, "No To the Shielding! Out Chávarry! and Jail for Keiko (Fujimori) and (Alan) Garcia!" the people of Lima took to the streets on Thursday, protesting against the legal shielding in place to protect the Peruvian Congress.

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