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News > Latin America

Nearly 100 Venezuelans Fly Home as Part of Repatriation Plan

  • More than 3,000 Venezuelans have returned to their country after reporting labor exploitation and xenophobic attacks.

    More than 3,000 Venezuelans have returned to their country after reporting labor exploitation and xenophobic attacks. | Photo: teleSUR

Published 25 September 2018

Thirty-three of the 93 passengers were rushed to the hospital due to mistreatment and xenophobia abroad.

Ninety-three more Venezuelans return home after the fourth plane arrived to Simon Bolivar International Airport from Peru today.


Maduro Grants Citizenship to All Migrants In Venezuela

Thirty-three passengers were rushed to the hospital due to mistreatment and xenophobia abroad.

The  Plan Vuelta a la Patria (Return to the Fatherland Plan) was established by the Venezuelan government to facilitate the repatriation of Venezuelan migrants who went to other countries. According to official data, 3,039 Venezuelans have returned to their country. Additionally, 5,000 migrants have registered at the embassy in Peru to return to Venezuela.

The Return Homeland Plan envisages that returning Venezuelans can be reinserted into the life they left with the help of various national social programs.

President Maduro introduced the program on August 4 announcing: “I have ordered the activation of an airlift based on the Return to the Homeland Plan to bring back all the Venezuelans who have registered and who want to come back to their beloved land.

“There is a campaign of hatred, persecution, and xenophobic contempt against the people of Venezuela. A global campaign headed by spokespeople for the United States making declarations against the people of Venezuela accusing us of migrating, and creating a scandal,” Maduro said.

The Homeward Plan envisages that returning Venezuelans can be reinserted into the life they left with the help of various national social programs.

The United Nations has also pledged to assist Venezuela in 'return home' efforts.

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