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News > Latin America

Mexico: Gender-Based Political Tyranny Against Women Rejected

  • Congresswomen from different parties reject the gender-based political subjugation.

    Congresswomen from different parties reject the gender-based political subjugation. | Photo: Twitter: @Mx_Diputados (Camara de Diputados)

Published 13 September 2018

"We are calling on all political parties to take their roles as promoters of women's participation in democratic life seriously, as well as ensuring equal access to all levers of civic power," Lorenia Valle, a lawmaker for the Morena Party, said.

A broad group of congresswomen in Mexico from all over the political spectrum firmly rejected political persecution against some 51 women, who were democratically elected but are being forced to resign, to be replaced by men.

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In the southern state of Chiapas, dozens of women have been forced to resign from their positions for men to fill them.  "We are facing an ominous episode in which 51 women elected to city councils and deputies have submitted their resignations with the obvious purpose of leaving their posts to male candidates," Lorenzo Cordova, president counselor of the National Electoral Institute (INE), said Wednesday.

The INE rejected this gender-based politically oppressive act against women and has exercised its power to ensure that women who are elected do not give their places to men. The electoral entity determined that in the cases of women who wished to resign, the spots will, compulsorily, be filled by other women.

However, women are being discouraged from demitting their positions. 

On Tuesday, a group of congresswomen from different parties: Morena, PAN, PRD, PRI, PVEM, PRD, PES, PT, rejected the measure and demanded that the Chiapas Governor Manuel Velasco Coello stop the political persecution of women. The case has come to be known as the "Manuelas" case (in reference to the governor of the state of Chiapas).

"We are calling on all political parties to take their roles as promoters of women's participation in democratic life seriously, as well as ensuring equal access to all levers of civic power," Lorenia Valle, a lawmaker for the Morena Party, said highlighting that women should not be seen as just a statistic.

The campaign against cases of gender-based political subjugation is supported by women of opposing political points of view. The campaign's slogan is #NoSinMujeres (Not Without Women).

In Mexico, the law determines that there must be a Proportional Representation between women and men. "The law imposes obligations for parity, not suggestions, so everyone must comply with the law," said Pamela San Martin, counselor of the INE.

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