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News > Latin America

Mexico: Another Candidate Killed in Guerrero State

  • Crime scene

    Crime scene | Photo: EFE/Archive

Published 4 March 2018

At least 54 political figures have been murdered across the country since the beginning of the electoral campaign.

A Mayoral pre-candidate in Zihuatanejo, the fourth-largest city in the Mexican state of Guerrero, was shot and killed on Friday night.

Mexico: Second Political Precandidate Murdered in 4 Days

Homero Bravo Espino, 53, a candidate for the Democratic Revolutionary Party, or PRD,  was assaulted in San José Ixtapa and found lying in a car with at least six bullet wounds, according to relatives.

According to reports Espino was taken to the nearest hospital, but he died sometime later.

An investigation had been launched into the incident.

Antonia Jaimes Moctezuma (PRD) and Dulce Nayeli Rebaja Pedro (Institutional Revolutionary Party), both precandidates for local elections in Chilapa, Guerrero, were killed respectively on Feb. 21 and Feb. 25. Rebaja was also head of Indigenous and Afro-Mexican Affairs for the state of Guerrero.

According to the PRD's estimate, about 12 members of the party's members have been assassinated since the beginning of the election campaign last September.

The local journal registered at least 54 murders of pre-candidates from all parties during the same period and 83 assaults.

Guerrero, which has a population of over 3,500,000, spreads across about 160 municipalities, is plagued by drug and interrelated political violence.

The upcoming presidential elections are scheduled for July 1.

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