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Joe Biden and Democratic Establishment Support Trump’s Coup Attempt in Venezuela

  • 2020 Democratic presidential candidate U.S. former Vice President Biden

    2020 Democratic presidential candidate U.S. former Vice President Biden | Photo: Reuters

Published 30 April 2019

The Democratic establishment didn't stay behind expressing the same sort of comments and sentiments from Republicans against the democratically and legitimate government of Venezuela. 

The thin line between the Democratic establishment and the Republicans was once again crossed today, as many highly influential Demoracts showed their public support for the illegal Trump-backed coup attempt in Venezuela, following close to their political rivals remarks. 

US Publicly Admits Support for Coup Attempt in Venezuela

Early in the morning as the situation unfolded in the capital city of Caracas, Trump, Rubio, Bolton, Abrams, Pompeo in blatant violation of law gloated in support of the attempted coup. But the Democratic establishment didn't stay behind expressing the same sort of comments and sentiments against the democratically and legitimate government of Venezuela. 

Joe Biden, in particular, stood out as it was the only Democratic presidential candidate that commented.  Yet his tweet showed a lack of understanding of the situation as he called the opposition protests “peaceful” even though images from all major newscasts showed violence and instigation, closing his tweet by blaming President Nicolas Maduro. 

Another high ranking Democrat who decided to weigh in the situation was House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, that by carefully picking her words opted for a message filled with commonplaces, while as same Biden targeting President Maduro. Dick Durbin, the Democratic whip in the Senate also tweeted in support of U.S. meddling. 

The Trump Admisntartion was clear thru U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that the government “fully supports” what both the far-right and the U.S. have dubbed as “Operation Liberty.” Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Rick Scott (R) also proved how invested the U.S. is to the destabilization of the South American nation.

As a response, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza denounced these U.S. initiatives, especially that issued by Pompeo, saying that he “makes a spectacle of diplomacy, by promoting and financing a violent coup in Venezuela. Washington's obsession with controlling Venezuela's oil wealth leads them to clumsiness”.

Yet Biden, Pelosi and the Democratic Establishment’s latest tweets have shown how close their politics are to those of the Republican leadership.

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