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News > Chad

Jihadist Rebels Vow To Fight Chad's Military Junta

  • FACT members heading towards Ndjamena, Chad, April 20, 2021.

    FACT members heading towards Ndjamena, Chad, April 20, 2021. | Photo: Twitter/ @iwogoke

Published 22 April 2021

The death of Chad's President Deby increases instability in the Sahel region since he was an ally of Western countries in the fight against jihadism.

The Libyan-based Front for Change and Concord in Chad (FACT) on Wednesday rejected the establishment of the military junta chaired by Mahamat Idriss Deby, the son of President Idriss Deby who was killed in fighting against rebel groups earlier this week.


Battle Wounds Kill Chad's President Idriss Deby

This organization stressed that "Chad is not a monarchy" and warned that its forces are heading towards N'Djamena, the Chadian capital.

Another rebel group, the Council of Military Command for the Salvation of the Republic (CCMSR), expressed its support for the FACT and pointed out that there can be no monarchical succession in Chad, so that "the liberation struggle must continue" until putting " an end to this dictatorial system".

The death of Idriss Deby increases political instability in the Sahel region since he was an ally of Western countries in the fight against jihadism.

Currently, the soldiers of the Central African Republic (CAR) are on "high alert" on the northern border with Chad to prevent illegal armed groups from crossing into their country.

"Any illegal movement from the Chadian side of armed persons into Central African territory across the border will be firmly repressed," said Central African General Staff spokesman Major Augustin Ndango-Kpako.

In the last two weeks, the CAR Armed Forces regained control of important towns bordering Chad such as Cabo, Marcounda, and Bria.

However, the Central African government is still facing irregular armed groups that have been in retreat after they failed in their attempt to seize the country's capital Bangui on January 13.

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