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News > Latin America

Django Star Jamie Foxx Visits Venezuela to Witness Bolivarian Revolution

  • Jamie Foxx and Lukas Haas with President Nicolas Maduro.

    Jamie Foxx and Lukas Haas with President Nicolas Maduro. | Photo: AVN

Published 5 October 2016

The Oscar winner spoke to the Venezuelan president about the government's social programs. 

Oscar winner Jamie Foxx along with fellow U.S. actor and musician Lukas Haas were welcomed by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Tuesday to the country’s presidential palace, showing their support for the government's housing projects.

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Foxx and Haas met with Maduro to learn about the government’s social housing programs. The Great Housing mission was a major project of former President Hugo Chavez, with over 1 million homes built in 2015 thanks to the initiative.

The housing mission gives preference to impoverished Venezuelan families who pay very little in exchange for the homes. Maduro has previously said that he wants to extend the Great Housing Mission to enable up to 40 percent of Venezuelans to live in government-supported housing by the end of the decade.

Foxx said via his Instagram that he was looking at directing a new film, but did not make mention of whether it was connected to his Venezuelan visit. Both of the actors posed in photos with Maduro, with Maduro using some time to explain some of the history of Latin American politics and revolutionary liberator Simon Bolivar.

The pair were reportedly invited by Maduro to visit Venezuela's state-run movie and television studio, as well as other tourist landmarks.

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“We have given a warm welcome to two actors who are very admired by our people … Thank you for supporting this project, and its vision of adding housing as a benefit for the people of the world,” Maduro said.

Foxx was awarded the Oscar for his performance in the film portraying the legendary musician Ray Charles. He also starred in the recent hit "Django Unchained."

Haas has participated in more than 40 films and as a pianist has composed scores for films such as Breakfast of Champions and Last Days.

Other Hollywood stars, including Danny Glover and Sean Penn, have also visited Venezuela to show their support.

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