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News > Argentina

'Glimpse of Hope': Milagro Sala Acquitted on Homicide Charges

  • Argentine social leader Milagro Sala in court.

    Argentine social leader Milagro Sala in court. | Photo: EFE

Published 27 December 2018

However, the leader of the organization Tupac Amaru will continue to be detained over other accusations against her.

Argentine social leader Milagro Sala was acquitted Thursday in the trial for the case known as The Shooting of Azopardo which occurred on Oct. 27, 2007 and for which she was accused of attempted murder.

EXCLUSIVE: Interview With Indigenous Social Leader Milagro Sala

The judges of the Criminal Court 2 of Jujuy unanimously took the decision and ordered her release, however, the leader of the organization Tupac Amaru will continue to be detained over other accusations against her.

"It is a small light of hope that justice is being done in the face of the political persecution that many of our comrades are suffering, I did not expect it, it surprises me very much," Sala told the local press.

The Argentine Prosecutor's Office asked for a prison sentence of 18 years against Sala for the over the shooting charges, while for the case "Pibes Villeros", which is still in process, they are asking for 22 years in prison.  

In addition, Alberto Cardozo was acquitted, who was accused of "simple homicide in tentative degree" and was imprisoned for three years.

On the other hand, in the trial, Fabián Ávila was sentenced to six years and six months in prison as "the material and responsible perpetrator of simple homicide in the amount of attempted and serious injuries in real proceedings."

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