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News > Germany

Germany Records Second-Warmest Year in Its History

  • @Michael45231497


Published 30 December 2022

The year now ending was the second warmest in Germany, with an average annual temperature of 10.5 °C.

According to the National Weather Service (DWD), temperatures were 2.3 °C above the value for the internationally valid reference period (1961-1990), and higher than in 2018, the previous record holder.

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The DWD said that "several intense heat waves in June and July led to record temperatures across Europe," a situation that set a new annual record for sunshine hours in the country and led to 15 percent less rainfall than usual.

The German Farmers' Association (DBV) said this week that the summer months, marked by heat and drought, have hurt vegetable yields, with a considerable reduction compared to the previous year. 

The country's inland waterways were also severely affected by the summer drought. The Rhine, Europe's busiest waterway, saw water levels drop to historic lows, forcing ships to carry less cargo.

In this regard, DWD climate and environment director Tobias Fuchs raised the issue of climate protection, calling for action. "Global warming continues almost unabated," the official said, noting that the world has so far "failed to effectively curb greenhouse gases."

Germany seeks a 65 percent reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels, and to be climate neutral by 2045. In this respect, Thomas Heimer, a member of the German government's Council of Climate Experts, said that the emission reduction rates achieved so far, are far from sufficient to meet these targets. 

"The annual reduction in emissions would have to double compared to the historical evolution of the last 10 years," according to the official. 

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