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Gaza: Second Palestinian Journalist Killed by Israeli Forces

  • People carry the body of Palestinian journalist Ahmed Abu Hussein, 24, who died of wounds he sustained while covering a protest along the Gaza-Israel border.

    People carry the body of Palestinian journalist Ahmed Abu Hussein, 24, who died of wounds he sustained while covering a protest along the Gaza-Israel border. | Photo: Reuters

Published 25 April 2018

Hussein‎ was stationed at a permissible distance from the border fence when an Israeli sniper shot at the 24-year-old journalist in the stomach.

After Yaser Murtaja, Ahmed Abu Hussein, another Gazan photojournalist‎, who was seriously injured last Friday while documenting the March of Return, succumbed to injuries Wednesday afternoon, Gaza's Health Ministry has said. 

Israel Fires at Gaza, Kills 2 Palestinian Teenagers

Hussein‎ was stationed at a permissible distance from the border fence when an Israeli sniper shot the 24-year-old journalist in the stomach, causing grave injuries. 

Hussein‎ was working as a photojournalist for Gaza's Al-Shaab radio station and wore a protective vest marked “Press” at the protest on April 13, witnesses said, according to Reuters. 

Thousands of Gazans protested along the border for the fourth consecutive week, during which four Palestinians were killed and 156 wounded by Israeli live fire, raising the death toll of the Friday's protest to six, and 39 total since protests began a month ago.

The weekly protests are part of the Great March of Return activities, which began on March 30, Palestinian Land Day and will continue until May 15, the Nakbah, or Catsrophe day, marking the day the State of Isral was founded.

According to a United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, UNHCR, report published Tuesday, 40 Palestinians have been killed and 5,511 wounded in the mass protests along the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel since March 30.

A total 2,596 people were hospitalized in government hospitals, while 773 in nongovernment hospitals and the rest were treated in the field. Of those in government hospitals, 1,499 were hit by live ammunition, 107 by sponge-tipped bullets, 408 suffered gas inhalation and 582 suffered other injuries; 2,142 were adults and 454 were minors. 

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