For the third consecutive day, France is protesting against a pension reform through a nationwide general strike that keeps public transport paralyzed on Saturday.
French Police Fire Tear Gas at Workers Protesting Macron Reform
This is the result of the joint action of the workers of the national state-owned railway company SNCF and the workers of the public transport company in Paris RATP, who announced that their strike would continue until Dec. 9.
Last Thursday, over 1 million French took the streets of Paris to reject the policies of President Emmanuel Macron, who has not yet revealed the full scope of his reforms.
On the first day of the national strike, the police violently attacked the demonstrators and arrested more than one hundred people.
However, French citizens continued to denounce that pension reform's real purpose is to diminish the rights acquired by workers.
If Macron's proposal were to be implemented, retirees' pension could be reduced by hundreds of euros and the retirement minimum age would increase concerning the current requirement (62 years).
On Tuesday, Dec. 10, management centers' workers will be on strike throughout France in response to the further deterioration of their working conditions. Human management is also at stake. The meme reads, "Strike."
On Saturday, massive protests against the neoliberal policy package are accompanied by the Yellow Vest movement, which is protesting against increases in the prices of basic goods and services since Nov. 17, 2018.
Despite the growing social unrest over pension reform, Macron said emphatically that his plan would come into effect and recommended that the French "work harder."
For his part, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe confirmed that plans to reform the pension system will continue but that the change would be gradual and “not brutal”.
"I believe in social dialogue ... I will never be in a logic of confrontation," Philippe said on the same day the police cracked down the citizens.
In response to official statements, the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) Secretary Philippe Martinez announced that protests against reforms will continue through Tuesday, Dec. 10.